
慶應義塾大学博士論文 理工学メディアセンターニュース No.105






散逸系では,エントロピーは流跡線に沿って生成される.これはエントロピーに関して非ホロノミックな拘束条件を与え,上で用いた方法が使えない.しかしながら,この非ホロノミックな拘束条件の下で作用積分を最小にすることは,これが微分形式で書けることから可能である.我々の定式化は運動量のつりあいの式全体を導くことができる.一方,オンサーガーの変分原理で導出できるのはそのうちの線形項だけである.第4章で,この定式化を粘性流体,粘弾性流体および高分子溶液に適用する.付録 C では,拡散による散逸がある二成分流体の変分原理について議論する.



付録 A と B では,テンソル計算と物質時間微分について説明する.
付録 C と D では,拡散による散逸がある二成分流体と相対論的完全流体の変分原理について述べる.

Improvements in the Variational Principle for Fluid Dynamics

The realized motion of a system minimizes the action. This is called the variational principle and considered as a guiding principle in various fields of the physics. Using this principle, we can formulate the dynamics of a system even if it has complicated constraints. Various variational principles for the perfect fluid have been proposed for a long time, while Onsager’s variational principle has been useful in formulating the dissipative dynamics in the soft matter physics. However, they have several open problems. This dissertation proposes a general framework to solve them, and provides the associated Hamiltonian formulation as follows.

1. The variational principle for the perfect fluid
There are two ways to describe the dynamics of fluid. The first way is the Lagrangian description,where we track path line. The second way is the Eulerian description, where we observe the time evolution at spatially fixed points. It is known that the equation of motion for the perfect fluid can be derived in terms of the variational principle in the Lagrangian description, as in the mechanics of mass particles. On the other hand, the variational principle in the Eulerian description requires some auxiliary fields, called Clebsch potentials, to derive rotational velocity field on the isentropic condition. However the physical meaning of the potentials has been obscure. We show that Clebsch potentials are required to fix the endpoints of each path line in Chapter 3. Here, the mass conservation law and adiabatic condition are holonomic constraints. Thus we can incorporate them into the action by means of the method of undetermined multiplier.

2. The variational for a dissipative system
In a dissipative fluid, entropy is produced along the path line. It gives a non-holonomic constraint, to which the above method cannot be applicable. However, we can minimize the action under the non-holonomic constraint because it is expressed in terms of differential forms. Our formulation yields the whole equation of momentum balance for a viscous fluid, although Onsager's variational principle yields only its linear part. We show that our formulation can be also applied to viscoelastic fluid and polymer solution in Chapter 4, and also discuss the case that dissipation is caused by diffusion in Appendix C.

3. Hamiltonian formulations
In the control theory, the optimized input minimizes the cost functional, and derives the Hamilton’s equations as a pair of conjugate equations. In Chapter 5, we apply this theory to fluid dynamics, where the input is the velocity field. The state variables in the Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions are respectively given by the position of fluid particles and Clebsch potentials. The resultant Hamiltonian equation for perfect fluid is canonical. In a viscous fluid, dissipative force is added to the equation. The associated symmetries are related to the conservation laws.

Chapter 1 describes the motivation and backgrounds, and presents the composition of this dissertation.
Chapter 2 introduces the previous researches, and explains the theory of constraints.
Chapters 3, 4, and 5 show the three main results mentioned above.
Chapter 6 summarizes this dissertation and presents future research.
Appendices A and B explain tensor calculus and material derivatives, respectively.
Appendices C and D discuss the variational principle for the two-component fluid with dissipative diffusion and the relativistic perfect fluid, respectively.